Sebenarnya da ketinggalaan a few captured momment yg boleh di share together2 with others..So just have a look and spend time for the info attached:
1- Can enjoy buy a lot of branded stuff at JPO and i already bought it + MURAH!
4- Enjoy supper at Tony Romas by having marbele RIBS!! Extra Nice!
5- Educational toys for our kid! Dinoletter from Toy'r'Us : Leapfrog. Zahra also enjoy (RM89.90)
d-kasut + selipar utk dipakai pun ada sales jugak..15 June – 2 September 2012
1- Can enjoy buy a lot of branded stuff at JPO and i already bought it + MURAH!
2- Zahra enjoying swimming at Fleminton Hotel, Taiping.
3- Braun Buffel handbag for sale at KL SOGO. Nice!
5- Educational toys for our kid! Dinoletter from Toy'r'Us : Leapfrog. Zahra also enjoy (RM89.90)
6- Sales on the town!!
a. Mac City 28 August - 02 Sept 2012
b- Debenhams Blue Cross from 24 August
c- untuk anak2 kecikd-kasut + selipar utk dipakai pun ada sales jugak..15 June – 2 September 2012
Ok, cukuplah update untuk hari ini..akan diupdate sekiranya ada sales yg menarik or any intersting story to share! Take care :)
I JuSt WaNt A HaPpY LiFe =(